8pc bonbon box for chocolate lips, cocoa pods or small blocks
Typically, 8pc bonbon box will be very simple,however, this 8pc chocolate bonbon box has high end outlooking and easy to handle. . There are several kinds of layouts for 8pc bonbons custom box, similar as below:
For more 8PC chocolate bonbons customized layouts or boxes, REACH US.
Below custom chocolate bonbon box is created as second layout since the bonbon is rectangle shape instead of sqaure or round shape.
Below is the specifications of 8pc bonbon box, which can be applied for chocolate lips, cocoa pods or small blocks, etc.
Box style: match box with sleeve
Size: 23.5*7.8*2cm, each cell size is 5.1*2.4*1.8cm
Material: thin textured paper (300-400g)
Surface: inside is golden paper, and outside is black textured paper, logo is glue metallic foil
Asseccory: 8pc plastic blister or plastic tray
Inside this chocolate bonbon custom box, it is foldable golden color paper, while outside is black color paper, with surface textured with fine patterns. Then glue metallic logo and patterns are foiled onto black textured paper. “Blue” — rational, calmness, purity, credible, frequently associated with ocean, glacier, sky and lake. This metallic blue makes the whole box to relax and active from black background. “Black” — inclusive and aggressive, which can set off noble temperament, and also show the invincible domineering spirit. “Golden”— noble, glorious, magnificent and brilliant.
In this custom box for chocolate bonbons, black and gold are typical noble color matching, which makes the whole packing box appear high-grade and mysterious. When you think the black color is too heavy for this 8pc bonbon box, the blue metallic hotstamped logo and large area patterns makes the whole box no longer dull, full of lives. Box surface is with a layer of textured black paper.
This is a kind of special thin cardboard, which is with unique textures on paper surface. This kind of textured paper will make the bonbon box outstanding significantly. Although the paper is not thick paper board, the inside 8pc blister is strong enough to hold the bonbons perfectly. This material is also food safe material for chocolate bonbons.