It can be tempting to choose just one or two designs for hat boxes, and then just call it a day. After all, this makes the job of sourcing the boxes much easier since the containers are relatively more uniform. The problem though is that people and especially customers, may not respond all that well to seeing the same box design over and over. There’s the risk of monotony and boredom, which could potentially also depress interest in the company and its brand. So it’s important to keep the benefits of hat box variety in mind. Offering Hat Boxes for Sale One benefit to consider is that a hat company can also expand its range of products by also offering the boxes themselves as a separate thing for sale. This is a win-win situation because your
company will have an additional line of products from which to profit while the customer will enjoy the ability to buy new travel, storage and other kinds of boxes for their hats. So for example, if your firm offers a good variety of decorative hat boxes for sale, your customers will have more reasons to keep on coming back to your store and this will allow your average revenue per customer to grow. Elevating Your Store Aesthetic By having access to many different hat box designs, you can take your store from drab to fabulous. Suddenly, there will be no limit to the different kinds of looks and aesthetics you can have for your storefront and interior space. You could use round hat boxes to celebrate Easter or the New Year. You could have a throwback month to showcase old school hats, and display these alongside a vintage hat box, black and white photos, and other related accessories. Making Your Products Memorable One of the key functions of any packaging is making your products stand out in
a crowded field. If your containers look similar to the ones used by the competition, you’ll have a harder time distinguishing your wares. But if you make a conscious decision to choose packaging that is strikingly different from the others, this could help you to be recalled by current and potential customers. So if the competition uses square boxes, try to use a round hat box design. If they use boxes coated with many colors, consider using a more monochromatic palette. The good thing about boxes is that they make experimentation relatively easy at the early stages. When you purchase hat boxes wholesale, make sure that there is sufficient flexibility so that you can change the chosen design if it appears to be not working. Your firm can try some A-B testing or other actual real world experimentation until you find the hat box designs, which appear to offer the greatest benefits. Alagobox will also periodically update our paper gift boxes templates , you can find many custom paper box templates. Contact Alagobox team to get a free rigid box structural design for your brand.