3 ways to highlight your logo on a creative chocolate praline packaging box

creative chocolate praline packaging box

How to highlight your logo on a creative chocolate praline packaging box?

To design a creative chocolate praline packaging box, 5 steps to make it. But after having a unique logo, how to highlight your logo on a praline packaging design?

Some chocolatiers will find a professional designer to work it out for her branding.

Below are some places for artwork designers:

Upwork : www.upwork.com

Freelancer: www.freelancer.com

But some chocolate praline brand owners are not going to have complex design, they would like to make the whole design as simple as possible. Just put their logo onto a pure color background, then done. 

No matter you are any type of persons as above, you’d better understand something about how to hightlight your logo onto a creative chocolate praline packaging boxes. It will help you to provide better suggestions to your designer or even make the design yourself. Here we listed 3 ways to highlight your logos:

1. Hotstamping metallic logo

Hotstamping is a process to transfer a layer metallic foil onto paper. After transferring onto paper, the logo will be metallic looking. The color will depend on foil color types. Many customers limit hotstamping will only be golden color, but actually, there are many color types. Golden, silver, green, blue, purple, red, black, gun metal, even various hologram colors etc. You can reach us to find out over 100 types foil colors.

chocolate bar packagingmetallic logo on fat chocolate box12pc bonbon box metallic logo 

This metallic color can make your logo stand out and catch your eye. Some foil will show different colors when you see from different directions, so it is hard to define them as green, or yellow color, etc.  Sometimes, you can combine several foiled colors together, or use textured paper to highlight the logo more on your creative chocolate praline packaging box, similar as below ones:

creative chocolate praline packaging boxcreative chocolate praline packaging box foil

2. UV printing

The UV process itself is transparent, so it is better to apply this process onto the surface with a large area of dark color background, especially large areas of black or dark brown, to achieve a certain reflective effect, thereby highlighting the LOGO.

It is not recommended to use UV printing technology onto a very light background, such as white. The reflective effect is not very visible, and the brand cannot be well displayed, at least it is not easy for consumers to see at a glance. You can refer to the following effects which SUGOI is using for UV logo. If you want to make similar one, REACH US

UV printed logoUV printed logo

Also, UV printing can be applied to decorate the backgroud, similar as below:

wine luxury packaging boxes

3.  Embossed your logo Embossing process will make your logo embossed and can be felt by hand.  Some chocolatiers likes simple design, especially onto some pure color background. Such embossed logo will make the logo stand out more easily. 

embossed logo on creative chocolate praline packaging box

Beside above 3 ways, you can also use color application to highlight your logo. For example, if the main color of your LOGO is green, try to make part of the box the same color, and use a contrasting color on the surface of the LOGO. Of course, black or white is safe, but it can also be used. Use other contrasting colors to ensure your chocolate box is unique.

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